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Make Your OWN WEBSITE NOW & Publish it Today

Get Started Today and Create your own website

All in  ONE stop shop to help you build your OWN website. With Bluehost  This is Who I use for all my own websites and domains. I have been working Online very successfully for around 15 years.

One of my websites has over 100k Visitors a month and continues to grow and flourish every day.  I have had some not so successful sites but along the way.

I have learned SO much valuable information and I have seen it ALL.

Believe me when I say there is NO short cut to making money online. It takes time, commitment, creativity, patience and sometimes just a little bit of luck. But mostly I want to say where you ‘house’ your online home (website) is so important to get it right from the very beginning.

That is why I will send everyone to BLUEHOST 

Look I know you can go to Wixx, GoDaddy or Squarespace get everything to drop and clicks, but that will cost you, (Do not be fooled by the Low cost of starting up,  by the time you have what you WANT it WILL be very expensive as you are required to ‘upgrade to unlock many features to make even a half-decent website, you WILL find that once you are committed you are stuck with them and can only add on extras by upgrading and spending more money.

BLUEHOST  is the easiest way to Buy a Domain, Get your OWN hosting and then set it up with their walk through step by step guides. It’s so EASY.

My Top Tips before you get started

How do you choose a Domain name for your website (this is the URL of the site you will send people too to find your site online  example www.lisaauch.com  = my Domain is lisaauch.com

You can find all sorts of tips on choosing a domain name, but it almost always boils down to keeping it short and memorable. Snappy and not too long.

Always have your brand strategy in mind Branding is, ultimately, the most important factor in the longterm success of your online business.

Preferably a short and sweet domain name is best, but if it’s your company name then that’s what you would choose.

Should you choose .com or .co.uk as your domain and which one is better

I use .com as I use international affiliate programs such as amazon.com and I am writing to a broad international audience. IF you are a Business in the UK i would choose a domain ending in your countries example  .co.uk

Should I pick a domain name with keywords in it?

If it is solely an online business I would focus on keyword research within your niche before picking a domain name, however, I have many nonrelevant Domain names to the content of my site and have never had a problem, its what you do with it is what counts.

Buying a Domain Name

Yes, You can Buy your own domain name from anywhere. If you find a cheap name online and want to buy it, then you can, and STILL, buy Bluehost ‘hosting’ for your site. This can be tricky to the newbie as sometimes it is not as straightforward as they all like to make out it is and I have seen many people get stuck with DNS servers and trying to get it changed from a parked domain (getting lost yet? )


BUT Most of the places where you can buy a domain name also allow you to grab hosting. I Love Bluehost and why use it as my one-stop-shop to creating my own sites. Download WordPress, choose from hundreds of free website themes and plugin, making building your site so easy.

Bluehost is who I use and personally recommend.

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